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Night-Time Skincare Routine

It’s time to talk about our night-time skincare routine: How many times have you returned home late after a long day of work (or whatever!), and just wanted to flop into bed with zero attention to your skin? At that point, removing makeup seems harder than climbing a mountain, and applying a night cream seems as difficult as running a marathon.

It may sound like a good idea to skip your nighttime beauty rituals and go straight to start your beauty sleep, but boy you will regret it in the next morning. My “getting ready for bed” process has more steps than a traditional tea ceremony – yes it’s that important and it’s worth the extra effort.

So here it goes:

Step 1: Everyone knows we must cleanse and tone our skin every evening before bedtime. This is non-negotiable. First things first, to remove makeup and also cleanse your skin in one simple step use Talia Skincare’s Mineral Foaming Cleanser. If you close your eyes and use it on your lashes, it removes any non-waterproof mascara with ease, you will never have to use a separate eye makeup remover.

Step 2: Your next step should be a toner (which obviously should be alcohol-free), especially if you have oily skin.  Talia’s Pore Control Mineral Toner deeply cleanses and removes dirt, impurities and excess oil, while gently tightening pores and restoring the skin’s pH balance.

Step 3: Apply eye serum. Use an advance eye serum like the Age Defying Eye Serum, which gives the delicate skin around your eyes a natural lift and visibly helps to repair crow’s feet, and sagginess without irritation

Step 4: Apply a face serum. Talia’s Intense Facial Serum provides intense hydration, with a gentle smoothing of fine lines. Rubbing this baby each night before you go to bed will protect your skin from environmental damages.

Step 5: Finally it’s time for the moisturizer! Intensively rejuvenate your skin overnight with Talia’s mineral enriched Absolute Night Cream. Apply it gently every night and wake up looking your best.

Are you still reading this?? 
Yes, I realize that was five, time-consuming steps, but boy you will be thankful that you did it when the alarm clock goes off in the morning!


Talia Team